Muscle Memory Sprint Bolt-On
How Any Trainee Fitness Professional Can Remember Everything To Do With Muscles In As Little As 15-Minutes Every Day
Yep you need to know 26 muscle for Level 2 Anatomy and Physiology and 50 muscles for your Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology Exam, the chances are you've have taken one look at the MUSCLES section and closed the manual again.
Am I right?
Maybe you feel overwhelmed with dozens of muscles to remember, their location, the joints crossed, their origins and insertions plus what each muscle actually does in relation to exercise and staring at your course manual, and endless Latin words for hours on end, whilst nothing seems to go in.
You are not alone…
Most people find it frustrating to learn muscles from reading a book or manual.
Consider the possibility that learning the muscles for your exam doesn't need to be laborious repetition of reading the same table in your manual over and over again.
Most people remember things by using their visual and auditory memory and attaching meaning to what they see and hear. Something every course manuals lacks.
If I ask you what the colour was of the front door on your first ever house. You will seek for a visual image, and hear yourself recalling the colour of the door. Your brain already holds this information, we just don't require it all the time.
Recalling the muscles works the same way, but first you need to construct a visual image so you can recall it during your exam.
This is exactly what these flashcards do. They will give you:
✔️ a clear image of the muscle
✔️ highlight the location of each muscle
✔️The joints crossed & joint actions
✔️Clear, easy to remember origins & insertions
✔️What each muscle actually does in relation to exercise
You Upgrade
The Level 2 and 3 Muscle Memory Sprint is mapped to the Active IQ, YMCA, CYQ, Focus Awards, VTCT, Future Fit and NASM syllabus, making sure you are learning exactly what you need to for your exam.
I Realize That When I Signup Now I'll Get Full And Instant Access To The Muscle Memory Sprint:
- Everything you need to know about muscles in one organised place: The Muscle Memory Sprint
- 28 Day Muscle Memory Sprint Email Series - all muscles delivered to your email inbox, each day for 28 days to structure your learning.
- 20 Audio MP3 downloads for each muscle/group of muscles (each approx 15 mins long) - The only shortcut to slicing your revision time in half...
- 50 Muscle Flashcards - Instantly Download to any device, meaning you can learn anywhere, anytime!
You need to know 26 muscles for level 2 A&P exam
and 50 muscles for level 3 A&P exam.
Each flashcard clearly highlights whether it's a level 2 or 3 muscle![Note: you still get all 50 flashcards]
- Each flashcards Includes:
- A clear visual memeory hack
- How to locate each muscle and it's origin and insertion
- Understand the joint actions created by each muscle
- "HOW TO" guide to using the flashcards - This will accelerate your understanding of each muscle
- Instant Learning Hacks - Understand how to learn, revise, retain knowledge for your exam day and download a proven weekly revision planner.
- Previously unseen Mock Questions and Quizzes to test your muscle knowledge
- Unlimited Student Support - have a Question? you're NOT on your own!
What are the 50 muscles you need to know for you Level 2 and 3 Anatomy and Physiology Exam?
You need to know 26 muscles for level 2 A&P exam
and 50 muscles for level 3 A&P exam.
Each flashcard clearly highlights whether it's a level 2 or 3 muscle![Note: you still get all 50 flashcards]
Each flashcard is specifically mapped to your level 3 anatomy and physiology manual and the leading awarding bodies: Active IQ, YMCA, NASM, Future Fit, Transcend Awards and VTCT.
- Zone 1: The Hips and Core: Gluteus Maximus, Ilipsoas major, Iliacus, Diaphragm,The Intercostals, Transversus Abdominis (TVA), Internal Obliques, External Obliques, Rectus Abdominus
- Zone 2: Legs: Gastrocnemius, Soleus, Tibialis Anterior, The Hamstrings (x3), The Quadriceps (x4), Sartorius, The Adductors (x5), The Abductors (x4).
- Zone 3: Lower Back and Torso: Erector Spinae (x3),Multifidus, Quadratus Lumborum, The Rotator Cuff (x4), The Teres Major, The Trapezius, The Latissimus Dorsi, Major Rhomboids and Minor Rhomboids.
- Zone 4: Chest and Arms: Pectoralis Major, Pectoralis Minor, Bicep Brachii, Tricep Brachii, The Serratus Anterior, The Deltoids and the Levator Scapulae.
- Gluteus Maximus, Iliopsoas Major and Iliacus
- Intercostals, Diaphragm and Transversus Abdominus
- Rectus Abdominus, Internal and External Obliques
- Gastrocnemius, Soleus and Anterior Tibialis
- Hamstrings (3), Quadriceps (4) and Sartorius
- Adductors (5) and Abductors (4)
- Erector Spinae (3), Multifidus and Quadratus Lumborum
- Serratus Anterior, Trapezius and Latissimus Dorsi
- Rhomboids Major and Minor
- Pectoralis Major and Minor
- Bicep and Tricep Brachii
- Rotator Cuff Muscles (4) and Teres Major
- Deltoids and Levator Scapulae
- Lifetime and Instant Access - START NOW
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